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Lever Block definition and specific


  Lever Block is by human use of leverage to obtain toggle lever to match the load line traction, rotation to the movement of the load acting on a clamp body, drive the load operation. It has a compact, light weight, small size, labor-saving and easy to carry, safe and reliable, long life, lever force is small, the wire rope wear is small. It can be enhanced traction, down, calibration and other operations. If you configure a special device, not only for non-linear traction operations, and can easily select the appropriate operating position, or a smaller tonnage of equipment load exponentially expand its capacity, the load can be used for large tonnage, number of equipment side by side operations.

  Lever Block is widely used in shipbuilding, electric power, transportation, construction, mining, telecommunications and other sectors of the equipment installation, lifting items, such as mechanical traction. More kinds of electric hoist electric hoist wire rope hoist the main, electric chain hoist, mini electric hoist, and explosion-proof electric hoist several models.

  Chain Block and Lever Block are called manual hoist, is used to enhance the weight of the human, not any longer operating handle; operation should be allowed to move with the rest of the handle free, no jamming. Must be based on the size of the choice of appropriate tonnage of the load of the hoist. By the electric motor, drum or sprocket drive mechanism and the composition of sub-rope electric hoist and electric chain hoist two.